ISC2 Study: Economic Conditions Continue to Sandbag Cyber Hiring

ISC2 Study: Economic Conditions Continue to Sandbag Cyber Hiring
N Cryptech – Kelly Springer
The cybersecurity industry is experiencing a critical moment characterized by a dual challenge: a shortage of cybersecurity workers and reduced security budgets, leading to overworked and stressed specialists.
Despite a workforce of 1.5 million professionals in North America, there is a gap of 522,000 workers needed in the field.
However, due to economic uncertainties, companies are hesitant to fill these roles, with 47% implementing hiring freezes or budget cuts.
This has resulted in diminished job satisfaction among cybersecurity teams and has compromised their ability to prepare for future threats.
Solutions proposed to mitigate the issue under budget constraints include more process automation, utilization of AI and advanced analytics, and the engagement of managed service providers.
There is a global need for 4 million more cybersecurity workers, highlighting the necessity for companies to invest in training and developing skills rather than seeking out ‘unicorns’—highly skilled yet scarce candidates.
Retaining workers is also a significant challenge, with competitive compensation, strong cybersecurity culture, career development, and a skilled team being key factors for employee retention.
The solution to the employment gap may lie in reaching out to nontraditional populations and focusing on those with the right mindset rather than just formal qualifications.
