DNS Threat Intelligence for Telco Networks

DNS Threat Intelligence for Telco Networks
Efficient IP
The 2023 IDC Threat Report highlights that 94% of telecommunications companies (Telcos) experience DNS attacks, which on average cost $1.2 million each.
However, DNS Threat Intelligence can play a vital role in developing proactive defense strategies.
Smart DNS security enhances ransomware detection, data protection, and service uptime by providing better threat mitigation.
With the increasing complexity of Telco infrastructures and the storage of sensitive data, DNS becomes a critical component for mitigating risks.
Telcos face challenges such as securing data transmission, preventing unauthorized access, and dealing with the rising frequency of DNS attacks.
The report shows that 94% of CSPs experience DNS attacks, with phishing, DDoS, DNS tunneling, and ransomware being the main attack types.
The consequences of these attacks range from application downtime, cloud service downtime, and data theft to brand damage.
Telcos need to take proactive measures to avoid service downtime and customer churn.
Leveraging purpose-built DNS Security through DNS analytics and filtering can help detect unusual traffic patterns, identify malicious domains, and block access to known threats.
DNS threat intelligence is crucial for network security, yet many Telcos are underutilizing DNS data for analysis and threat intelligence purposes.
Implementing DNS threat intelligence feeds and utilizing AI/ML advancements can provide better protection against phishing and malware while improving customer satisfaction and compliance with security regulations.
Advanced DNS protection solutions, like those offered by EfficientIP, can help maintain service availability, enhance user experience, and reduce the effort required for security operations.
By leveraging DNS threat intelligence and transitioning from reactive to proactive defense, Telcos can effectively mitigate the risks associated with DNS attacks.
Link: https://efficientip.com/blog/dns-threat-intelligence-for-telco-networks/

